  1. A10

After reading in the data appropriately

t.test(Time ~ Type, data=games1)
  1. A11

Assign the linear model (lm) to a new variable and the use the command summary on the new variable to look at coefficients and significance.

games1 <- games1 %>%
  mutate(Type2 = ifelse(Type=="Color", 1, 0))

lm(Time ~Type2, data=games1)
  1. A12

The command confint on the linear model will find confidence itervals for the coefficients.

  1. E1

  2. E2

  3. E3

  4. E4

General notes on homework assignments (also see syllabus for policies and suggestions): - please be neat and organized, this will help me, the grader, and you (in the future) to follow your work.

Homework assignments will be graded out of 5 points, which are based on a combination of accuracy and effort. Below are rough guidelines for grading.

Score & Description
5 points: All problems completed with detailed solutions provided and 75% or more of the problems are fully correct.

4 points: All problems completed with detailed solutions and 50-75% correct; OR close to all problems completed and 75%-100% correct

3 points: Close to all problems completed with less than 75% correct

2 points: More than half but fewer than all problems completed and > 75% correct

1 point: More than half but fewer than all problems completed and < 75% correct; OR less than half of problems completed

0 points: No work submitted, OR half or less than half of the problems submitted and without any detail/work shown to explain the solutions.