Microarray Statistics Modules



Biochemistry Modules:


Module 1: Spot gridding and fold-change selection


Module 2: Normalization of microarray data


Module 3: Clustering, comparison, prediction, and GO term analysis


For questions about the biology modules and/or examples of student responses to the questions asked within the modules, please contact:


Laura Hoopes

Halstead-Bent Professor of Biology

Pomona College


Statistics Modules:


Module 1: Spot gridding and segmentation


Module 2: Downloading data from Stanford Microarray Database


Module 3: Normalizing microarray data (R help, example activity)


Module 4: SAM (siggenes) for class comparisons (R help)


Module 5: Hierarchical clustering


Module 6: Prediction Analysis for Microarrays (PAM) classification 



For questions about the statistics modules and/or examples of student responses to the questions asked within the modules, please contact:


Jo Hardin

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Pomona College



These modules were originally created as part of a Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant to Pomona College.  They have been used in a Biochemistry class (Biology department) as well as a course on Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data (Mathematics Department.)


We have designed the modules so that they can all be used in a single class or used individually for a course or half-course.  Additionally, we have modified the modules slightly for use in either a biology or statistics course.


The modules are described in some detail in:

J. Hardin, L. Hoopes, R. Murphy; Analyzing DNA Microarrays with Undergraduate Statisticians, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics, 2006.


This work would not have been possible without generous funding by grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the NSF Major Research Instrumentation program.