

Routledge Encyclopedia

The Claremont Colleges have a subscription to the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, which contains very well-written summary articles by prominent philosophers on the topics we are studying.

I have indicated below some articles that you might find helpful. (Note: These articles are not a substitute for our readings and lectures — many do not cover precisely the same material we covered in class.)

You should be able to access the encyclopedia directly provided you are connected to a Claremont Colleges network or modem pool. If you are denied access, try setting your browser to use a Claremont Colleges proxy server.


Peter Klein, “epistemology”

Peter Klein, “knowledge, concept of”
Steven Luper, “belief and knowledge” (particularly “§1: standard view”)

Michael Williams, “doubt”

Robert Audi, “reasons for belief”


Stewart Cohen, “scepticism”
Richard Foley, “justification, epistemic: §6: scepticism”

Peter Klein, “certainty”
Nicholas Rescher, “fallibilism”

Anthony Brueckner, “deductive closure principle”


Edward Craig, “realism and anti-realism”
Alexander Miller, “objectivity”
Arthur Fine, “scientific realism and anti-realism”

Stephen Downes, “constructivism”
Edward Craig, “relativism”
Stephen Stich, “epistemic relativism”
Lawrence Simon, “rationality and cultural relativism” (esp. §§2–3)

These articles discuss some positions and arguments that have led some to the denial of objectivity (as we defined it in class).

Sandra Harding, “postcolonial philosophy of science”
Sandra Harding, “gender and science” (esp. §6: objectivity and method)
David Bloor, “sociology of knowledge”

existence of God

Alvin Plantinga, “God, arguments for the existence of ”


problem of evil

Marilyn McCord Adams, “Evil, problem of”
Linda Zagzebski, “Goodness, perfect:
§3: perfect goodness and the problem of evil”

free will

Galen Strawson, “Free will”
Jeremy Butterfield, “Determinism and indeterminism”

mind-body problem

David Rosenthal, “Dualism”
Daniel Garber, “Descartes: §8: mind and body”
Janet Levin, “Qualia”
Joseph Levine, “Colour and qualia: §3: The identity theory and its problems”
Michael Jubien, “Kripke, Saul Aaron: §§2–3”
Timothy Williamson, “Identity”