WELCOME,  BIENVENUE,  BIENVENIDO

Dr. Garza

Professor of Chemistry
Click on my picture if you want to e-mail me,even if I am away from

Pomona College

B.S. Chemical Engineering Texas A&M University
M.S. Chemistry

University of Texas at El Paso

Ph.D. Theoretical/Computational Chemistry

Notre Dame University and The University of Georgia 

Post-Doctoral Research The University of Georgia 

IMPORTANT: I was on sabbatical for the 1996-97 academic year at STANFORD. I worked in the lab of Professor Zare.I dealt with a technique called "Near-field Optical Microscopy ". For the first time in the history of science we can observe single atoms and molecules. The power to visualize chemical and biochemical phenomena at the molecular level means that we are witnessing the birth of entirely new technologies for observing and manipulating the individual building blocks of matter, a field that has been given the name of "nanomanufacturing."

I had the honor of being the first exchange faculty at Downing College.
Shieldwhere I conducted computational/theoretical research on diffusion-controlled reactions on fractal structures using the facilities of Cambridge University.

University of Cambridge


[image: zewailnobel.jpg]

  In 2004 I was on sabbatical in the lab of Professor Ahmed Zewail, 1999 Nobel Prize winner for his groundbreaking work in viewing and studying chemical reactions at the atomic level as they occur.   I translated  his autobiography from English to Spanish.

































Professor Roberto Garza-Lopez
For Pomona Campaign News 1999 Click above.  For Collaboration in Research click
 picture above.


Sample of Student Members who have worked in my Summer Research Program:

Undergraduate Students
Daniel Byun Departamental grant Lewis Naya CAMP-NSF grant
Kevin Orellana
CAMP-NSF grant
Arthur Partikian SURP grant 
Felix Rivera CAMP-NSF grant
"Recurrence and Trapping on a Fractal Solid" Roberto A. Garza-López, Minh Ngo ,Erica Delgado and John J. Kozak.Chemical Physics Letters 306 (1999) 411-15.
                                                                                                                    Journal where the paper co-authored by Minh and Erica
MINH NGO               ERICA DELGADO:                                                      was published.
(a.k.a.  Eric Wu)
                                    (Abroad at Oxford and Spain)

Description of the research

Currently, we are investigating two major problems. First is the occurrence of fractal structures in the early stage mechanisms of nucleation and the effect of conservation laws on the evolution of systems out of equilibrium and the presence and influence of fractal structures in non-linear dynamics. Secondly we are in the process of using our results to study diffusion-controlled reactions on regular and fractal 2-D and 3-D architectures. Contact with experimentalists is maintained.




SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans)


Review of Physical Chemistry through questions

American Chemical Society

Latin American Chemical Web

Map of México

Recent Publications:

1. "New Topological Theories for Classical and Non-Classical Delocalized Electronic Systems." Roberto A. Garza-López . The University of Texas at El Paso Press. August 1985.

2. "Pattern Development in Cellular Automata Triggered by Site-Specific Reactive Processes." Gregory D. Abowd, Roberto A. Garza-López and John J. Kozak , Phys. Lett. A. 127, 155-9 (1988)

3. "Influence of Surface Structure on the Kinetics of Diffusion-Controlled Reactive Processes on Molecular Organizates and Colloidal Catalysts." Philip A. Politowicz, Roberto A. Garza-López, David E. Hurtubise and John J. Kozak J. Phys. Chem. 93, 3728-35 (1989)

4. "Pattern Development in Cellular Automata triggred by Site-Specific Reactive Processes: Dynamical Aspects." Roberto A. Garza-López and John J. Kozak. Phys. Rev. A 40, 7325-7333. (1989)

5. "Kinetics Changes Arising from Surface Defects and Inhomogeneities." Roberto A. Garza-López, Jayanta K. Rudra, Russell Davidson and John J. Kozak. J. Phys. Chem. 94, 8315-8322. (1990)

6. "Diffusion of a Dimer through a Structured Medium." Roberto A. Garza-López, Jayanta K. Rudra and John J. Kozak . Chem. Phys. Lett. 174, 278-282 (1990).

7. "Calculation of the Effective Dimensionality of Layered Diffusion Spaces. Application to Diffusion-Controlled Processes in Smectite Clays." Roberto A. Garza-López and John J. Kozak J. Phys. Chem. 95, 3278-3281 (1991)

8. "A Theoretical Study of the Influence of Surface Defects and Inhomogeneities on the Efficiency of Diffusion-Controlled Reactive Processes." by Roberto A. Garza-López University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Copyright 1991

9. "Effective Dimensionality of Layered Diffusion Spaces." Roberto A. Garza-López and John J. Kozak J. Phys. Chem. 96, 6027 (1992)

10. "Sievering of Linear r-mers through a Structured Medium." Roberto A. Garza-López and John J. Kozak J. Phys. Chem. 96, 9457-61 (1992)

11. "Reaction Efficiency of Diffusion-Controlled Processes on Finite, Planar Arrays." Roberto A. Garza-López, and John J. Kozak Physical Review E, 49, Number 2, 1049-1060(1994)

12. "Order-Disorder" Phenomena in a Diffusion-Reaction Model of Interacting Dipoles on a surface." Roberto A. Garza-López, Daniel Byun, Kevin Orellana, Arthur Partikian, David Siew, Anne Yu and John J. Kozak. Journal of Chemical Physics, 103,9413 (1995).

13. "Reacciones sobre Superficies de Catalizadores." Roberto A. Garza-López, Revista de la Sociedad Química de México, 1994, 38:5,315.

14. "Fenómenos Catalíticos de Superficies." Roberto A. Garza-López, Revista de la Sociedad Química de México, 1995.

15. "Injection o Samples and Single Molecules into Tapered Capillaries."Daniel T. Chiu, Andrew Hsiao, Anuj Gaggar, Roberto A. Garza-López,Owe Orward , and Richard Zare. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 9, Number 10, pp. 1801-7. (1997)

16. "Transition Behavior on Lattices with Ladders." Roberto A. Garza-López, David Bae, Lewis Naya and John J. Kozak. Chemical Physics Letters 286 (1998) 369-374.

17. " Chemical Transformations in Individual Ultrasmall Biomimetic Containers." Daniel T. Chiu,Clyde F. Wilson, Frida Ryttsén,Anette Stromberg, Cecilia Farre, Anders Karlsson, Sture Nordholm, Anuj Gaggar, Biren P. Modi, Alexander Moscho, Roberto A. Garza-López, and Richard Zare.Science, Vol. 283, 19 March, 1999, pp. 1892-5

The importance of the results of the above article were featured in :
a) Science News, "Microscopic vessels merge to mix molecules." March 20, 1999, Vol. 155, No. 12 Page: 183.
b) Chemical & Engineering News. " Tiny reaction vessels mimic cell membranes." March 22, 1999, Vol. 77, No. 12, pg. 7.
and attracted pubilicity in the following article:
c) "Artificial Cells Solve Real Problems." San Francisco Chronicle. Monday, March 22, 1999.
d) Stanford News. "Vesicle chemistry: a new way to get life-like reactions." 3/18/99
e) Pomona College Magazine. "Microscopic Test Tubes." Summer 1999.  pg. 15

18. "Recurrence and Trapping on a Fractal Solid" Roberto A. Garza-López, Minh Ngo ,Erica Delgado and John J. Kozak.
Chemical Physics Letters 306 (1999) 411-15.

19. "Reaction Efficiency on the Surface of a Porous Catalyst" Roberto A. Garza-López and John J. Kozak. J. Phys. Chem. B, (1999), 103, 9200-9204. This issue is to honor one of my professor at Notre Dame University: Dr. J. Kerry Thomas (Nieuwland Professor of Science). .

20. "Tortuosity Factor for Permeant Flow through a Fractal Solid"
Roberto A. Garza-López and Lewis Naya
University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry. Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UNITED KINGDOM
John J. Kozak
Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames IA 50011-3111 USA

 Journal of Chemical Physics.  Vol 112, Number 22 (2000), 9956

21. "Diffusion reaction processes involving interacting dipoles on Euclidean vs fractal architectures."Roberto A. Garza-López , Chris H. Lee, David Lin, Gerardo López-Mena, David Niu and John J. Kozak.  Chemical Physics Letters. xxx(2002) xxx (accepted for publication).


PAPER 1   A simpler approach to Penrose tiling with implications for quasicrystal formation.

PAPER 2   A trick of the tiles

PAPER 3   From tilings to coverings

PAPER 4   Some are less equal than others

PAPER 5   The bondage of symmetry broken


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