The Institute for Genome Research (TIGR) Trip

President Claire Fraser invited us to visit TIGR and was kind enough to write a letter of 
invitation for our NSF grant proposal.  She has asked Deborah Lebkicher to arrange our visit
on July 9, 2004.
Schedule for GCAT Microarray Workshops TIGR visit, 2004
1:00 PM sharp; bus leaves Georgetown University for TIGR
~2:00 PM. Arrive at TIGR; tour of TIGR; bus to tour of Technology Center and return.
3:00 PM Short talks from scientists using microarrays in state-of-the-art experiments at TIGR:
Robin Buell – plant genomics and functional genomics
Owen White – microbial genome annotation and analysis
Naomi Ward – microbial diversity and evolution
Fenglong Liu – microarray analysis on several plant and eukaryotic systems
4:00 reboard bus for return to Georgetown University.
~5:00 arrive back at Georgetown.