Grading in Genetic Regulation
In this class, you will receive 25% of your grade from contributions
to day-to-day discussions (I take notes in class!). Your in class
presentations/discussions will be worth another 25%. You will receive
25% of your grade based on your paper and 25% based on your laboratory
work (I will grade your laboratory notebooks twice during the semester, ask you
to write one paper on your microarray experiement,
and also consider your contributions to the final laboratory discussion).
There is no final examination, but the final discussion class is mandatory
and counts heavily towards the day-to-day discussion grade. I would
like to see evidence throughout the term that you are assimilating the
various levels of genetic regulation in eukaryotes, that you understand
the contributions of various fields to the papers we are reading, and that
you are developing an aesthetic appreciation of excellence in experimental