Jonathan C. Wright
Lab Members
Jonathan Wright with Caitlin Howe (left) and Grace Wu
Current (2010-2011)
- Anne Dennis ('13)
Metabolic responses to hypoxia in the spirobolid millipede Archispirostreptus gigas. - Daniel Kaplan ('11)
Metabolic conforming and anerobic metabolism in Oniscidea. - Afshin Khan ('11)
A comparison of Dietary-induced thermogenesis (DIT) between nutritionally similar grain and vegetable meals. - Benjamin Mazer ('12)
Hyper-regulation and the role of the maxillary glands in Oniscidea. - Maya Nakamura ('11)
Periodic ammonia excretion, glutamine and glutaminase activities in marine littoral and terrestrial Oniscidea. - John David Nako ('12)
Water vapor absorption and volume increase during the molt cycle in Oniscidea. - Stephanie Saffouri ('11)
Invertebrate biodiversity, macro- and micro-nutrient availability in organically and conventionally farmed soils in Los Angeles County.
John Nako, Jeremy Wright, Anne Dennis and Maya Nakamura
- Maya Nakamura ('11)
Enzymes of purine metabolism.
- Carl Norlen ('10)
Phenology in the arthropod fauna of a Southern California coastal sage scrub habitat.
- Sadie Barr ('09) (Research analyst at Environmental Engineering and Technology Inc., MD)
Dietary-induced thermogenesis in whole and processed foods
- Derek Buchner ('09) (Avian research at Sespe Condor Sanctuary, CA)
Range shifts in big-cone spruce Pseudotsuga macrocarpa in the San Gabriel Mountains
- Elizabeth Cerny-Chipman ('09) (PhD program in Marine Sciences, University of Oregon, 2010-)
UV-absorbing and other photoprotective compounds in copepods from pHake Lake, Claremont, CA
- Caitlin Howe ('09) (PhD program in Environmental Health, Columbia University, NY, 2011-)
Functions of urate stores in Armadillidium vulgare
- Anne Yoshizawa (Medical School, University of Hawaii)
Ion regulation in the marsupial fluid of brooding Oniscidea
- Michael Carlson (’08) (PhD program in Ocean Sciences, University of Washington)
Factors affecting bleaching susceptibility in two Atlantic coral species.
- Caitlin Howe (’09)
(SURP recipient, summer 2007).
Urate deposits as possible nitrogen stores in Armadillidium vulgare.
- Grace C. Wu (’08)
(Rose Hills Scholarship, summer 2007; Downing Fellow, University of Cambridge, 2008-9; PhD program in ecology, University of California, Berkeley, 2011-)
Respiratory physiology in the Oniscidea: allometry and the significance of pleopodal lungs. Water balance physiology and kinematics of teneriffiid mites.
Becky Abbey
Recent Lab members
- Rebecca Abbey (’07) (Fulbright Scholar, 2007-2008; Evan School of Public Health, University of Washington)
- George Saffouri (’08) (Medical School, Virginia Commonwealth University)
Holly Keammerer, Shan Koh, and Megan Groth
- Megan Groth (Watson fellow, 2006-2007; Architecture school, University of Washington)
- Holly Keammerer (PhD in marine sciences, University of Oregon, 2011)
- Huishan Koh (Stauffer Prize recipient; Medical school, National University Singapore)
Jonathan Ou and Christine Cass
- Christine Cass (Stauffer Prize recipient; PhD in marine sciences, University S. Florida, 2011)
- Jonathan Ou (Medical school, USC)
- Kevin Ting (Medical School, USC)
Enzymes of purine metabolism.
Phenology in the arthropod fauna of a Southern California coastal sage scrub habitat.
Dietary-induced thermogenesis in whole and processed foods
Range shifts in big-cone spruce Pseudotsuga macrocarpa in the San Gabriel Mountains
UV-absorbing and other photoprotective compounds in copepods from pHake Lake, Claremont, CA
Functions of urate stores in Armadillidium vulgare
Ion regulation in the marsupial fluid of brooding Oniscidea
Factors affecting bleaching susceptibility in two Atlantic coral species.
(SURP recipient, summer 2007).
Urate deposits as possible nitrogen stores in Armadillidium vulgare.
(Rose Hills Scholarship, summer 2007; Downing Fellow, University of Cambridge, 2008-9; PhD program in ecology, University of California, Berkeley, 2011-)
Respiratory physiology in the Oniscidea: allometry and the significance of pleopodal lungs. Water balance physiology and kinematics of teneriffiid mites.
Becky Abbey
Holly Keammerer, Shan Koh, and Megan Groth
Jonathan Ou and Christine Cass