Malkiat S. Johal
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Pomona College 

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Chemistry 1a – General Chemistry




General Chemistry is required for concentrations in chemistry, biology, physics, molecular biology, neuroscience, and environmental analysis and Chemistry 1a satisfies this requirement. Chemistry 1a is an appropriate course to satisfy PAC requirement 2 (Use and Understand the Scientific Method). The course is taught in four units and the understanding of the first three will be tested by an in-class one hour exam, and the last unit will be tested in the Final two-hour exam.


Unit 1: Elements, Compounds, Stoichiometry, Lewis structures (Unit 1 Exam Date: Wednesday, 28 September)

Unit 2: VSEPR, Classes of Reactions, Ideal Gases (Unit 2 Exam Date: Monday, 24 October)

Unit 3: Chemical Equilibria: Gas, Acid/Base, Complexation (Unit 3 Exam Date: Wednesday, 16 November)

Unit 4: Thermodynamics, Redox Reactions, Electrochemistry   (Unit 4 FINAL: Thursday, 15 December)


GRADING: Each mid-term is worth 15% (total 45%), and the final is worth 20%. Laboratory work constitutes 25%. The remaining 10% is based on a non-experimental project in understanding solar energy.


A lecture grade (from the exams and project) and lab grade will be determined separately and then combined using given percentage weights.  Please note that this process frequently results in a numerical value between two grades. In these borderline cases, subjective criteria such as performance on homework will be used in the determination of the overall course grade.


Attendance at lectures is expected and attendance at laboratory sessions and at the scheduled examinations is required. Unless a special case can be made, no make-up examinations are given and only those who are on the official sick list or who are on officially scheduled class field trips are excused. Absence without a valid excuse will result in a score of zero. Please note that no written work will be accepted after Wednesday, 12 Dec.   (The instructor reserves the right to change exam dates and lecture topics.)