S. Johal |
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Dr. Johal joined the department in July 2006. He teaches
courses in Accelerated General Chemistry, Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics,
Statistical Mechanics, and Chemical Kinetics), Soft Nanomaterials, and Physical
Chemistry Laboratory. His research activities focus on using
self-assembly and ionic adsorption processes to fabricate nano-materials
for optical and biochemical applications. Undergraduate research students are
heavily involved in both the construction of and the detailed characterization
of ultra-thin assemblies. These functional
materials include bioactive surfaces (immobilized proteins) within
polyelectrolyte multilayers, asymmetrically orientated surfactant multilayers,
and self-assembled polyelectrolytes with desirable photoluminescent,
photovoltaic and NLO-active properties. Professor Johal’s laboratory also
explores fundamental phenomena such as ion-pair complexation, adsorption,
surface wettability, and intermolecular non-covalent interactions that
lead to highly ordered structures. His laboratory is also exploring the use of
functionalized stacked waveguides and piezoelectric quartz crystal resonators
as platforms for chemical and biological detection, catalysis, and the
nano-fabrication of photovoltaic and organic LED materials. Research students
in his laboratory use a variety of surface analysis tools including Dual
Polarization Interferometry, Quartz-Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation
Monitoring, Surface Tensiometry, Spectroscopy (e.g. ATR-FTIR), X-Ray
Reflectivity, Multi-Wavelength Ellipsometry, and Contact Angle analysis.
After receiving his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the
Understanding Nanomaterials by Malkiat S. Johal Paperback: 336 pages Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (April 5,
2011) SBN-10: 1420073109 ISBN-13: 978-1420073102 This textbook provides a coherent overview of the fundamental
principles underlying nanomaterials fabrication, as well as a discussion of
the characterization and application of these materials. The author takes
an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the theory and tools
contributed by chemistry, biology, physics, medicine, and engineering. Real
world examples related to energy, the environment, and medicine are
included throughout the text that underscore the technological
Understanding Nanomaterials covers the following topics.
Chapter 1. A Brief Introduction to
Nanoscience: The
Need for Nanoscience Education; The Nanoscale Dimension and the Scope of
Nanoscience; Self-Assembly; Supramolecular Science; Sources of Information in
Chapter 2.
Intermolecular Interactions and Self-Assembly: Intermolecular Forces and
Self-Assembly; Ion-Ion Interactions; Ion-Dipole Interactions; Dipole-Dipole
Interactions; Interactions Involving Induced Dipoles; Dispersion Forces;
Overlap Repulsion; Total Intermolecular Potentials; Hydrogen Bonds; The
Hydrophobic Effect; Electrostatic Forces; The Electrical Double Layer; The
Debye Length; Interactions Between Charged Surfaces in a Liquid; Intermolecular
Forces and Aggregation; Simple Models Describing Electronic Structure; The
Particle in a Box Model; Conjugation in Organic Molecules; Aggregation and
Electronic Structure; π-π Stacking Interactions.
Chapter 3. Rudiments of Surface Nanoscience: Fundamentals of Surface Science; The Surface Energy of Solids and
Liquids; Surface Free Energy of Adsorbed Monolayers; Contact Angles and Wetting
Phenomena; Nanomaterials and Super Hydrophobic Surfaces; Adsorption Phenomena:
Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs); Simple Adsorption Isotherms; Other Useful
Adsorption Isotherms; Surfactant Chemistry; Micelle and Microemulsion
Formation; The Determination of Surface Excess: The CMC and the Cross-Sectional
Area Per Molecule.
Chapter 4.
Characterization at the Nanoscale: Surface Tensiometry: The Surface
Tensiometer; Quartz Crystal Microbalance; The Piezoelectric Effect; QCM Principles; QCM-D and Dissipation (D); Modern QCM-D Setup; Ellipsometry; Basic Principles of
Electromagnetic Theory and Polarized Light; Basic Principles of Ellipsometry; Obtaining the Thickness of Films: Optical Parameters Del (Δ) and Psi
(ψ); The Ellipsometer;
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR);
Principles of SPR; SPR Instrument Setup; Dual Polarization Interferometry (DPI);
Waveguide Basics; Waveguide Interferometry and the Effective
Refractive Index; Principles of
Dual Polarization Interferometry (DPI); Spectroscopic Methods; Interactions
Between Light and Matter; UV-Visible
Spectroscopy; The Absorption of
Visible Light by a Nanofilm; Molecular
Fluorescence Spectroscopy; Vibrational
Spectroscopy Methods; Raman
Spectroscopy; Nonlinear
Spectroscopic Methods; An
Introduction to Nonlinear Optics; Second Harmonic Generation; Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy; X-Ray Spectroscopy; Imaging
Nanostructures; Imaging Ellipsometry; Scanning
Probe Methods; Transmission
Electron Microscopy; Near Field
Scanning Optical Microscopy; Light
Scattering Methods; The
Measurement of Scattered Light: Determining the Aggregation Number of Micelles;
Dynamic Light Scattering.
Chapter 5. Types and Uses of Some Nanomaterials: Supramolecular Machines; Model Dye Systems; Photorelaxation; Formation
and Properties of the Exciton; Nanowires; Basic Quantum Mechanics of Nanowires;
Conductivity; Nanowire Synthesis; Carbon Nanotubes; Carbon nanotube Structure;
Some Properties of Nanotubes; Methods for Growing Nanotubes; Catalyst Induced Growth
Mechanism; Quantum Dots; Optical Properties; Synthesis of Quantum Dots; In Vivo Molecular and Cell Imaging;
Langmuir-Blodgett Films; Langmuir Films; Polyelectrolytes; Electrostatic Self-Assembly;
Charge Reversal and Interpenetration; Multilayer Formation; Model Phospholipid
Bilayer Formation and Characterization; Black Lipid Membranes; Solid Supported
Lipid Bilayers; Polymer Cushioned Phospholipid Bilayers; Fluorescence Recovery
After Photobleaching (FRAP); Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET);
Fluorescence Interference Contrast Microscopy (FLIC); Self-Assembled
Monolayers; Thiols on Gold; Silanes on Glass; Patterning; Optical Lithography;
Soft Lithography; Nanosphere Lithography; Patterning Using AFM; DNA and Lipid
Microarrays; Using Microarrays; Array Fabrication; Arrays of Supported Bilayers
and Microfluidic Platforms.