S. Johal |
Chemistry 51 – Accelerated General
Chemistry – The Laboratory Site
Welcome to the Chemistry 51 Laboratory Homepage. The
laboratory class will meet every Monday and Wednesday between 1:15 pm and 5:00
pm. Information on the location of classes for pre-laboratory presentations can
be found by following the Lecture
Schedule link shown below. The Fall 2008 laboratory schedule can be
downloaded by following the link Laboratory
Schedule shown below.
Important Information: Laboratory work is only permitted
during the scheduled laboratory period.
Plan your work so that you will finish your experiments by the closing
time, 5:00 pm. The duplicate (yellow)
pages from your laboratory notebook must be turned in each day to one of the
Laboratory Assistants before you leave the laboratory. Laboratory reports will not be graded unless
all duplicate pages for the experiment have been turned in; there will be a 10%
penalty each time they are turned in late.
With the exception of Enthalpy of Reaction, laboratory reports are due
in class, i.e. at 9:00 am, on the Friday following scheduled completion. The report for enthalpy of Reaction has two
parts. The section on your determination
of the enthalpy change is due in class on Friday after completion of the
experimental work. The section on the
derivation of the QSAR is due in class on the following Wednesday. Reports that are up to one week late receive
a 10% penalty; reports that are more than two weeks late will not accepted. No written
work will be accepted after the last day of classes, Wednesday, 10 Dec.