Malkiat S. Johal
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Pomona College 




List of Undergraduate Research Thesis Students


37. Michael V. Gormally, Churchill Scholar

Graduation:                     Spring 2011

Thesis Title:

Thesis Publications:



36. Jian (Jenny) Lin

Graduation:                     Spring 2011

Thesis Title:

Thesis Publications:



35. Theodore Zwang

Graduation:                     Spring 2011

Thesis Title:

Thesis Publications:



34. Ellen Yang

Graduation:                     Spring 2011

Thesis Title:

Thesis Publications:



33. Jake Schual-Berke

Graduation:                     Spring 2011

Thesis Title:

Thesis Publications:



32. Alexander Polizzotti

Graduation:                     Spring 2011

Thesis Title:

Thesis Publications:



31 Thomas J. Lane, 2008 Beckman Scholar, Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, NSF Graduate Fellow

Graduation:                     Spring 2010

Thesis Title:                    Ultrasonic Rheology of Surfactant Systems

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir, 2010, 26(7), 4598-4601.

                                                Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, 113(6), 1559-1568.

                                      Langmuir, 2008, 24(19), 10633-10636.

                                      Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80(20), 7840-7845.

Thesis Publications:         Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University


30 Rebecca E. Hamlin

Graduation:                     Spring 2010

Thesis Title:                   

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir, 2007, 23(8), 4432-4437.

Currently:                        MD-Ph.D. Program, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York


29 Kavisha Singh

Graduation:                     Spring 2010

Thesis Title:                    Cisplatin, Flavonoid & DNA Interactions: A QCM-D Study of Two Chemotherapeutic Agents

Thesis Publications:         In preparation



28 Amanda Yang

Graduation:                     Spring 2010

Thesis Title:                    Investigating the Molecular Orientation of Nonlinear Optically Active Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Assemblies

Thesis Publications:        



27 Aaron Kaufman

Graduation:                     Spring 2010

Thesis Title:                    Investigating Substrate Binding of the Sulfur-Reducing Enzymes Coenzyme A Disulfide Reductase and NADH-Dependent Polysulfide Reductase: A QCM/DPI Study

Currently:                        Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington


26 Reena Patel

Graduation:                     Spring 2010

Thesis Title:                    Ligand Binding to Bovine Serum Albumin: A Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring and Dual Polarization Interferometry Study

Thesis Publications:         In preparation



25. Jeremy Treger, 2008 Beckman Scholar, Barry M. Goldwater Scholar

Graduation:                     Spring 2009

Thesis Title:                    Surfactant Complexation as a Means to Tune the Properties of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir, 2008, 24(22), 13127-13131.        

                                      Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 2008, 112(3), 760-763.

                                      Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 2008, 98, 1550-6703.

Currently:                        MD-Ph.D. Program, University of Chicago


24. Katie A. Hall

Graduation:                     Spring 2009

Thesis Title:                    Novel Polymer Light Emitting Diode Fabrication Using Multiple Electroluminescent Polyelectrolytes

Thesis Publications:         In preparation

Currently:                        Ph.D. Program, Department if Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley


23. Katherine S. Myers

Graduation:                     Spring 2009

Thesis Title:                    Binding Interactions Between Bovine Serum Albumin and Pharmaceutical Compounds: A Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study

Thesis Publications:         In preparation



22. Robert J. Rawle, 2007 Beckman Scholar, DOE Graduate Fellow

Graduation:                     Spring 2008

Thesis Title:                    The Creation of DNA Surfaces and Their Use in Detecting DNA Damage Induced by Polyphenolic Flavonoids: Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study

Thesis Publications:         Biomacromolecules, 2008, 9(12), 3416-3421.

Biomacromolecules, 2008, 9, 9-12.

                                      Langmuir, 2007, 23(19), 9563-9566.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University


21. Vincent Ma

Graduation:                     Spring 2008

Thesis Title:                    Fabrication and Characterization of a Novel Polymer Light Emitting Diode

Thesis Publications:         Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 2008, 112(3), 760-763.

                                      Langmuir, 2008, 24(22), 13127-13131.

Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 2008, 98, 1550-6703.


20. Noah Rosenberg

Graduation:                     Spring 2008

Thesis Title:                    Designing a Quartz Crystal Microbalance-Based Assay for Detecting the Presence of Bacillus anthracis Antibodies in Solution

Graduate School:             MD Program, University of Massachusetts Medical School


19. Lewis Johnson

Graduation:                     Spring 2007

Thesis:                            Fabrication of Electrostatically Self-Assembled Photovoltaic Systems

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir, 2007, 23(8), 4432-4437.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington


18. Daniel Wellman

Graduation:                     Spring 2007

Thesis Title:                    Development of a Deposition Method for an Optically Active Polyphenylene-Vinylene Derivative

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley


17. Sarah Sherlock

Graduation:                     Spring 2006

Thesis Title:                    Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University


16. Niņa Caculitan

Graduated:                      Spring 2005

Thesis Title:                    Synthesis of NLO-Active Surfactants and Investigation of the Effects of Noncovalent Interactions on Molecular Orientation in Multilayer Films

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir 2004, 20, 8735-8739.

                                      Thin Solid Films, 2007, 516 (1), 58-66.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley.


15. Talya Dayton

Graduated:                      Spring 2005

Thesis Title:                    Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Assemblies and Protein Immobilization: A Study of Protein-Protein and Protein-Polyelectrolyte Interactions

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir, 2007, 23(8), 4432-4437.

                                      Book Chapter: Soft Nanomaterials, Copyright 2009 by American Scientific Publishers, 209-231.

Graduate School:             Fubright Fellow: Universitā degli studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy.

Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusettes Institute of Technology


14. Raea Hicks

Graduated:                      Spring 2005

Thesis Title:                    Critical Aggregation Phenomenon in PEI-SDS Complexes in LBL Multilayers

Graduate school:             Planned (Currently working at Los Alamos National Laboratory).


13. Shannon Carpenter

Graduated:                      Spring 2005

Thesis Title:                    Fabricating Functionalized Gold Nano-shells

Graduate School:


12. Rebecca Martin

Graduated:                      Spring 2005

Thesis Title:                    Incorporating Active Lactate Dehydrogenase into Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Assemblies

Graduate School:             Planned (Currently working at Los Alamos National Laboratory).


11. William K. Browne

Graduated:                      Spring 2004

Thesis Title:                    ATR-FTIR Studies of the Photodegradation of POPC at the Solid-Liquid Interface

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley.


10. Patrick Blower

Graduated:                      Spring 2004

Thesis Title:                    Investigations into UV/Ozone Patterned Photolithography and Vesicle Adsorption Kinetics of Liquid-Crystalline POPC: Novel Techniques to Determine Structure and Dynamics of Lipid Bilayers

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene.


9. Ashlee St. John

Graduated:                      Spring 2004

Thesis Title:                    PEI-SDS Interactions in Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Constructed by Spin-Assembly and Self-Assembly

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir 2004, 20(7), 2792-2796.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology.


8. Peter Chiarelli, Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, Rhodes Scholar

Graduated:                      Spring 2003

Thesis Title:                    Polyelectrolyte Spin-Assembly

Thesis Publications:         Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 186-190.

Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering  2003, 89, 33-34.

Langmuir 2003, 19 (No.21), 8876. Langmuir 2002, 18, 168-173.

Advanced Materials 2001, 13, No. 15, August 3, 1167-1171.

Graduate School:             RHODES SCHOLAR, Ph.D. program, Department of Clinical Medicine, Oxford University, UK. MD-Ph.D. Program, Harvard Medical School


7. Rita El-Khouri

Graduated:                      Spring 2003

Thesis Title:                    Fine-tuning the wetting behavior of polyelectrolyte films containing ionic surfactants

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir 2003, 19, 4880.

Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 2003, 89, 841-843.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis.


6. Victoria E. Campbell

Graduated:                      Spring 2003

Thesis Title:                    Incorporation of Direct Red 80 into Self-Assembled and Spin-Assembled Polyelectrolyte Multilayers.

Thesis Publications:         Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 186-190.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. program, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK.


5. Michael C. Howland

Graduated:                      Spring 2003

Thesis Title:                    Photoluminescence Studies of Poly(2,5-Methoxy-Propyloxysulfonate Phenylene Vinylene) Multilayers: Engineering Stable, Efficient Films.    

Thesis Publications:         Chem. Phys. Lett. 2004, 383 (3-4), 276.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Applied Sciences, University of California, Davis.


4. Jennifer A. Shaw

Graduation:                     Spring 2002

Thesis Title:                    Polyelectrolyte Spin-Assembly and Characterization of Polycation + Polyanion + Polyanion Thin Films

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir 2003, 19 (No.21), 8876.

Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 2003, 89, 33-34.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland.


3. Byram H. Ozer

Graduated:                      Spring 2001

Thesis Title:                    Polymer-Surfactant Interactions during Electrostatic Self-Assembly onto Thin Film Surfaces

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir 2004, 20(7), 2792-2796.

Graduate School:             FULBRIGHT FELLOW: Max Planck Institute, Germany. MD-PhD Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison.


2. Daniel Holmes

Graduated:                      Fall 2001

Thesis Title:                    Spin-Assembly of Polyelectrolytes and Dendrimer Macromolecules

Thesis Publications:         Langmuir 2002, 18, 168-173.

Graduate School:             Ph.D. Program, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley.


1. Jerrad B. Roberts

Graduated:                      Spring 2000

Thesis Publications:         Advanced Materials 2001, 13, No. 15, August 3, 1167-1171.

J. Phys. Chem. B. 2002, 106, 1697-1702.

J. Phys. Chem. 2000, 104, 11996-12001.

Graduate School:             Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York City