Math 1030Q

Calvin and Hobbes


  • 1-22 Math 1030Q is now connected to Piazza, an online forum. Here, you may ask questions related to the class including homework that you are struggling with - you can even do so anonymously. Asking questions on Piazza (instead of via emails), will benefit everyone as we pull together our collective knowledge.
  • 1-21 First day of class

Academic Links

Administrative Links

Student Resource Links

  • Studying in college
  • Resources for assistance and tutoring
    • Piazza An online forum catered to students to help them get quick and efficient help from classmates and instructors. Rather than emailing questions to me, I encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. If you have any problems or feedback for the developers, email
    • Q Center  UConn's Quantitative Learning Center provides free, drop-in tutoring for a number of mathematics, chemistry, statistics, and physics classes. If you need additional help, the Q Center maintains a list of private tutors for you to peruse.
    • Paul's Online Math Notes Notes and "cheat sheets" for a range of topics including algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and differential equations.
      • Thanks to Benjamin Lofink for finding this resource.
    • Interesting sites related to mathematics (If you see a math site you like that's not here, email me the URL.)