Math 1030Q

Calvin and Hobbes


Homework for this class will be done online using the WileyPLUS homework system coupled with HuskyCT. To access your online homework, you must log-in to HuskyCT. Click on Math 1030Q, and you will find a link to your homework on the left. Homework assignments for each section of the text will be assigned on HuskyCT. The due date for each assignment will generally be two or three days after the material is covered in class. You will get two attempts for each question, and after each attempt, you will be told whether your answer is correct or not. If you are not able to get the correct answer after your initial attempt, I recommend that you seek help from me (, the Q-Center, or a tutor.

A Few Comments Regarding Homework

  • Genuinely "struggling" with the exercises is an important part of mathematics: do not expect to know immediately how to solve every problem by looking at it. Part of the problem-solving process is trying things until you find something that works.
  • A thorough understanding of how to solve the homework exercises is a good first step in preparing for the exams.
  • You should make every effort to complete each assigned homework problem. You may seek help during office hours with any exercises you have difficulty solving.