S. Johal |
Chemistry 185 - Chemistry of
Nanomaterials, Spring 2007
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:35 am to 10:50 am
(1/16/2007 - 5/11/2007).
Location: Seaver North Laboratory, classroom 111
Prerequisite: 110A,B; MATH 31; PHYS 51A,B.
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Chemistry of Nanomaterials (CHEM 185) is a full semester
course covering increasingly important topics such as soft matter,
biophotonics, nanotechnology, and self-assembly. Although the field of
nanomaterials is strictly interdisciplinary, this course will have a chemical
perspective on the subject. Therefore a decent grasp of organic chemistry and
physical chemistry is expected. There is no required textbook for this course
but up to date developments from the chemical
literature will be underscored whenever possible. Click here to go to the journals used in
this course. The course is taught in four units and the schedule of
topics to be covered is shown below. Unit 1 of the course will begin with
fundamental material, namely the physical chemistry of phenomena manifested at
the nanoscale where surface effects become important. The introductory material will also cover
self-assembly and adsorption. This will provide a sound background to discuss
nanomaterials and their applications (unit 2). Unit 3 will focus on specialized
techniques that are routinely used to characterize nanomaterials. The final
unit will focus on biophotonics. Evaluation of the student’s performance in
this course is based on one mid-term examination and a presentation. The 15
minute presentation will be on any topic relating to this course. The
presentation will describe the findings of a recent journal article of choice.
The comprehension of the paper, the quality of the presentation, and ability to
answer questions will be used to evaluate the student’s performance in this
[Click here to download a PDF version of the syllabus]
Unit 1:
Fundamentals of Molecular Self-Assembly, Interfacial Phenomena, and Supramolecular
January 16:
Introduction to the course and discussion of the syllabus. The scope of
nanomaterial chemistry. The nanoscale and colloidal systems. Fundamentals of
surface and interfacial chemistry. Surface tension and wettability. Insoluble
January 18:
Surface chemistry and monolayers. Electrostatic interactions in self-assembling
systems. Self-assembly of amphiphiles. Monolayers, micelles, and
microemulsions. The structure and properties of micelles.
January 23:
Adsorption phenomena. Adsorption of surfactants at solid surfaces. Langmuir
adsorption and models describing multilayer adsorption.
January 25: Field
trip: Nanotechnology: Small World – Big Issues. A speakers program exploring
challenging science issues at the forefront of public concern. This special
program will actually take place on Saturday, January 27, 1:20 – 3:30 pm at the
California Science Center IMAX Theater,
January 30: Liquid
crystals, bilayer systems, and lipid membranes. Macromolecular systems.
Molecules assembled at the air-water and solid-air interface. Langmuir-Blodgett
films. Two-dimensional adsorption isotherms.
February 1:
Discussion session covering some recent literature based on Unit 1 material and
the field trip to the
February 6: Unit 1
Examination. This will be the only examination in this course.
Unit 2:
Nanomaterials and their Applications
February 8:
Defining nanodimensional materials. Size effects in nanomaterials. Application
and technology development. General methods available for the synthesis of
nanodimensional materials. Manipulation of nanoparticles.
February 13:
Nanofabrication methods: Bottom-up methods, photolithography, scanning probe
methods, soft lithography.
February 15:
Supramolecular machines. Fundamentals of energy transfer and photon motion
manipulation. Solar energy harvesting. Fundamentals of electron motion
manipulation. Electron pumping and molecular wires.
February 20: The interaction
of polymers with surfaces. Polyelectrolyte multilayer assemblies. The
application of electrostatic self-assembly to construct multilayers in a
layer-by-layer fashion. This lecture will cover fabrication methods, including
spin-assembly, and a detailed description of film structure and morphology.
February 22:
Chemical functionalization. Recent advances in thiol-Au and silane chemistry.
Layer-by-layer synthesis of multilayer assemblies. Applications.
February 27: Quantum
dots, nanocores and applications. Detailed description of the fabrication of
functionalized gold nanocores and their application in cancer therapy.
March 1:.
Nanoparticles and nanowires, carbon nanotubes. Detailed coverage on the fabrication
and characterization of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes.
March 6:
Discussion session covering some recent literature based on Unit 2 material.
Unit 3:
Specialized Techniques for Characterizing Nanomaterials
March 8: QCM,
ellipsometry, and dual polarization interferometry (DPI) as methods used to
obtain nano-gram masses, nano-scale thicknesses, and the optical properties of
ultra-thin assemblies.
Tuesday, March 13: No Class (spring recess)
Thursday, March 15: No class (spring recess)
March 20: Infrared
spectroscopy of nanoassemblies. Attenuated-total reflection (ATR) and grazing
incidence angle techniques. Reflection-absorption IR spectroscopy (RAIRS).
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).
March 22:
Nonlinear spectroscopies: Second-harmonic generation (SHG) and sum-frequency
spectroscopy (SFG). The use of nonlinear optical methods to obtain infrared
spectra of ultra-thin assemblies confined to surfaces.
March 27: Imaging
techniques: AFM, STM, imaging ellipsometry. The use of imaging ellipsometry to
explore the photo-patterning of lipid membrane films.
March 30: Optical
microscopy. Fluorescence/phase contrast microscopy, confocal microscopy, total
internal refection microscopy (TIRM), Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), phase
measurement interference microscopy, second harmonic microscopy (SHM).
April 3:
Nano-optics and local spectroscopy. Scanning near-field optical microscopy and
photon scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning plasmon near-field optical
spectroscopy (SPNM), near-field optical spectroscopy, fluorescence
spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, near-field nonlinear optics.
April 5:
Discussion session covering some recent literature based on Unit 3 material.
Unit 4: Photonics
and Biophotonics
April 10: Fundamentals of nanophotonics. Near field
interactions. Quantum-confined materials.
April 12:
Applications of bioimaging. FRET and FLIM methods. Microarray technology for genomics
and proteomics. Optical biosensors.
April 17: Laser
tweezers and laser scissors: selected examples of applications in biology.
Bionanophotonics and biomaterials for photonics.
April 19: Review
of the course. Additional material.
April 24: Group
presentations/discussion. You will deliver a 15 minute presentation on any
topic relating to this course. Your presentation will describe the findings of
a recent journal article of your choice. Your comprehension of the paper, the
quality of your presentation, and your ability to answer questions will be used
to evaluate your performance in this course.
April 26: Group
presentations/discussion continued.
Useful References
different sources were used to compile the notes delivered in lecture. These
notes in addition to any handouts should be sufficient for the course.
Therefore, there is no required textbook. In fact most of the cutting edge work
cannot be found in textbooks. The following references were used to compile the
material used in this course. In addition to these books articles from the RSC
journal Soft Matter and the ACS
journals Langmuir and Nanoletters were used extensively. Most
of the following books can be found in the College library. All of them can be
found in my office.
to Biophotonics” by Paras
by Paras N. Prasad; 2004 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN: 0-471-64988-0).
Colloidal Domain: Where Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technology Meet” by D.
Fennell Evans and Håkan Wennerström; 1999 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN:
and Polymers in Aqueous Solution” by K. Holmberg, B. Jönsson, B. Kronberg, B.
Lindman, 2003 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc., second edition (ISBN: 0-471-49883-1).
Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Volume 1, Synthesis, Properties and Applications”
Edited by C.N.R. Rao, A. Müller, A.K. Cheetham; 2005 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc.
(ISBN: 3-527-30686-2).
Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Volume 2, Synthesis, Properties and Applications”
Edited by C.N.R. Rao, A. Müller, A.K. Cheetham; 2005 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc.
(ISBN: 3-527-30686-2).
Matter: Volume 1, Polymer Melts and Mixtures” Edited by Gerhard Gompper and
Michael Schick; 2006 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN: 3-527-30500-9).
Matter: Volume 2, Complex Colloidal Suspensions” Edited by Gerhard Gompper and
Michael Schick; 2006 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN: 3-527-31369-9).
and Spectroscopy at Surfaces and Interfaces” by Vladimir G. Bordo and
Horst-Günter Rubahn; 2005 John-Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN: 3-527-40560-7).
Nanotechnology” by Michael L. Roukes (forward); 2002 Scientific American, Inc.,
and Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc. (ISBN: 0-446-67956-9).
of Physical Chemistry: Understanding Molecules, Molecular Assemblies,
Supramolecular Machines” by Hans Kuhn and Horst-Dieter Försterling; 2000
John-Wiley and Sons Ltd. (ISBN: 0-471-95902-2).