Malkiat S. Johal
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Pomona College 

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:




Chemistry 1A (section 4) –General Chemistry





Professor Malkiat S. Johal

Contact Info:

Telephone extension x74253, email


Seaver North Auditorium

Lecture time:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00am – 10:50am

Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00pm – 3:00pm, or by appointment


Miss Erika Falsgraf (project) and Miss Gabby Heller (homework assistance)


Please click here to visit the Chemistry 1a Laboratory site


Course-related documents/links:

·        Chemistry 1a Syllabus

·        Detailed Course Description

·        Homework Exercises and Other Course Material

·         Chemistry 1a Laboratory Link



Chemical Principles, Enhanced Edition, 6th Edition

By Steven S. Zumdahl
ISBN-10: 1-111-42586-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-111-42586-9


Academic Honesty: Detailed information on Pomona College's policy on academic honesty is presented in your “Critical Inquiry” course (ID 1); obviously you are expected to follow the policy in Chemistry 1a.  An especially important academic honesty standard for Chemistry 1a is the one concerned with laboratory work - "In laboratory or research projects involving the collection of data, students accurately report data observed and do not alter these data for any reason."  One purpose of college laboratory courses is to develop the proper ethical conduct in scientific work.  Unethical professional practices and research fraud have ruined the careers of practicing scientists.  Hence, one purpose of having you turn in a copy of your laboratory data each day when you leave the laboratory is to help remove the temptation of altering your data when preparing your final report.


All of your work on examinations and in laboratory reports must be your own.  You are encouraged to work together on homework, laboratories, and in study of course material.  However, any work that you turn in for a grade must be your own.  Working together on homework is a good idea, but you should not simply copy another student’s work. Academic dishonesty cases will be reported to the Dean of Students office in accordance with college policy.


Disability Accommodations:  If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact me ASAP.