Edray Herber Goins, Ph.D. L.H.D.

I am a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Pomona College; previously I was a Professor at Purdue University. Here's my explanation of why I left Purdue after 14 years.

I've been working on properties of Selmer groups for elliptic curves using class groups of number fields, as well as properties of Dessins d'Enfants. I run an REU which focuses on understanding properties of Belyi maps, and I maintain a blog about Dessins d'Enfants. I am also working on a history project for African Americans in the mathematical sciences; I am the lead for updating the MAD Pages. I also consulted for the documentary Journeys of Black Mathematicians. I am always looking for students to assist with projects! Click here to learn more.

The easiest way to contact me is by scheduling a time with Calendly.


Edray Herber Goins is Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Pomona College. He has worked as a researcher at both Harvard and the National Security Agency; and has taught at both Caltech and Purdue. Professor Goins has published over 25 journal articles in areas such as applied mathematics, graph theory, number theory, and representation theory; and on topics such as Diophantine equations, elliptic curves, and African Americans in mathematics. He has given nearly 250 invited addresses on his research, acted as a referee for nearly 20 different journals in mathematics, served on dozens of panels for the National Science Foundation (NSF), and been awarded more than $1,370,000 in external funding. Goins currently maintains the website Mathematicians of the African Diaspora (MAD Pages), and runs a federally-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) titled Pomona Research in Mathematics Experience (PRiME).

Click here to download a headshot. A more detailed biography appears at the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.

Activity within Professional Organizations

Events Organized

  • From June 24-July 5, I will be the on-site director for "ADJOINT SLMath in Berkeley, CA.

Talks and Appearances

  • On August 7, 2024, I will be a panelist for the Project NExT Workshop at MAA MathFest in Indianapolis, IN.

Featured In the Media

Curriculum Vitae | Indiana Pi Bill | MSRI-UP 2010 | MSRI-UP 2020 | PRiME | SUMSRI | Caltech Page | Personal Page | Pomona Page | Research Projects